Gather App Internal Testing Announcement
Dear Gather partners:
We are very pleased to announce that Gather App will be internally tested for all national agents on October 23, 2024. As an important partner of Gather, national agents will have the right to test and experience first. During the internal test, national agents can not only experience the various functions of the App in depth, but also feedback problems and exchange ideas in the internal test meeting. We will invite all agents to participate in this internal test by issuing invitation codes.
I. Internal test details
This internal test of Gather App will be run on the Testnet test network. In order to facilitate the agent user experience function, you can receive test coins through the following link:
- Testnet faucet address: [Waiting to open]
- Each wallet address can receive 10 NAC and 5 GAT, and the test coins can only be circulated on the test network
- After receiving the token, it is expected to arrive within 20 seconds, and each wallet address can only receive it once
The test network has snapshotted the block data in July 2024, which will ensure that users can experience all the functions of the App more comprehensively.
2. Public beta plan
After the national agents experience the App and give feedback, we will centrally deal with the problems and plan to open the public beta of the entire network later, when all users can participate in the test. During the public beta, users can also receive test coins and submit problem feedback through the App. For users who make reference suggestions, we will give $GAT token rewards as a token of gratitude.
3. Continuous integration and version release
In order to optimize the experience, we will continue to collect feedback during the testing process. You can submit problems you encounter at any time through the built-in feedback function of the App. We adopt a continuous integration development method and will release a new version every 1-2 days to ensure that problems can be solved in time and allow all network users to participate in the public beta. The functions of the App will also be opened one after another to ensure that users can focus on the functional points of the test, so as to familiarize themselves with the differences between Gather products and traditional IM.
During the test period, since the network service node is located in the Kuala Lumpur data center, in order to ensure the smooth experience of global users, we will switch acceleration nodes from time to time to test network connectivity and bandwidth. At the same time, users in some regions may need to use ladder tools to obtain the best network connection.
IV. Future Development
As the Gather App functions become more stable, we will release a technical guide for decentralized mini-program access to encourage developers to join the Gather ecosystem. If you have a potential traffic product or explosive ideas, Gather will provide support to help your ideas grow and develop in the Gather ecosystem.
This internal test and the upcoming public test are an important milestone for Gather, marking another step towards our goal of decentralized social networks. We sincerely invite all Gather fans, users and partners to actively participate in the public test and contribute your wisdom and strength to the future development of Gather.
Thank you for your support for Gather, we look forward to witnessing Gather's growth with you!
Gather Team
October 22, 2024




エンドツーエンド 暗号化


匿名 ログイン


取引の セキュリティ


秘密チャット モード


1万人以上 のグループチャット


効率的なグルー プ管理





新世代のインターネットとして、Web3.0は 分散化、セキュリティ、プライバシー保護という 三つの大きな利点があります。Web3.0の利点には以下が含まれます:

  • Web2.0のユーザー情報独占モデルを打破
  • 従来のインターネットの情報窃盗問題を根本的に解決
  • ユーザーのセキュリティとプライバシーを保証
  • インターネットソーシャルアプリケーションの発展のための肥沃な土壌を提供

Web1.0 読み取り専用


Web2.0 参加型


Web3.0 分散化とセキュリティ



Gather は最高機密の社交のために生まれました


GatherはWeb3.0インフラパブリックチェーンNA Chainをベースにしており、DNS+DFSモジュールを活用し、暗号化技術とオープンネットワークプロトコルを組み合わせ、ハードウェアボックスを通じて分散型の長距離リンククラスターを提供し、技術的にプライバシー漏洩のリスクを排除します。



